The Cowardice Issue

October 22, 2008

Richard Samuelson, Aspen Hendrickson, Rupert Thornhedge or whoever his nickname is not man enough to own his shit. He will not smartly confront my blog with his smears and lies and innuendo. He uses many nicknames in the internet. He  will not come out and talk about the peaceful dialog for the shake of us, he has to be asked. That is why he goes to places like Greece for fancy holidays, so he can be asked. What a coincidence.

Richard  Samuelson, Aspen Hendrickson, or Rupert Thornhedge is the same person a coward.

Richard Samuelson  would rather hide behind his Master Benny Wenda and Maria than say it himself.

Richard Samuelson would rather hide behind many other names than writing a logic argument in his own blog.

He would rather produce 2 to 10 minutes you tube ads that his campaign will never pay to air anywhere, and hope that the tire-swinging media will bring up the topic so he doesn’t have to do it himself.

Richard Samuelson  just wants to throw shit out side and inside the House of Parliament, and “raise questions” about something that he doesn’t even understand, and hope his supporters connect the dots, because he is too much of a coward to directly push this toxic stew. He would rather hide behind dignitaries of UK Parliamentarians, surrogates, and scummy Free West Papua websites staffed with shit.

Richard  Samuelson is a coward.

I am saddened and sickened by West Papua separatist supporters

October 11, 2008

Pheew it’s true.

It’s sick how a bunch of liars can look away from truth and so nonchalantly pass off issues that matter just to maintain the glow of their pretending messiah to save West Papua.

It’s sad how Richard Samuelson and friends claim my blog is so negative and isn’t talking issues whence those ignorant people are just skating and avoiding offering any plan themselves, but creating further conflict among Papuan.

It’s sick that Richard Samuelson and friends can want a win by creating more conflict so bad that they don’t care about what the full outcome is going to be.

It’s sad that important people in the House of Parliament in this day and age can be so blind and gobble up the verbal cum of an ignorant liar like Richard Samuelson in the heart of United Kingdom.

It’s sad that in West Papua case, United Kingdom Democracy is so driven by false information from Richard Samuelson and friends about West Papua.

It’s sick and sad that the International Parliamentarians for West Papua will responsible for the perpetuate conflict between the Papuan separatist and Indonesian military, while ordinary Papuan will suffer even more.

It’s sick how arrogant Richard Samuelson is, pushing me to stop writing in my own blog.

It’s sad someone will undoubtedly comment that it is sad and sick I feel this way.

Free West Papua Campaign

October 8, 2008

I feel so sad when an activist of Free West Papua Campaign asked me to stop writing in my own blog because my position is in opposite to the Oxford based Free West Papua Campaign. I also feel sorry for Richard Samuelson attitude because he has been running away from my challenge to explain his position in Free West Papua Campaign. We as papuan are very pleased that there is sincere attention from foreign citizen like Samuelson. However, we should be sure that the  attention will create a better understanding. In contrast to the people expectation, Richard Samuelson is always provoking conflict without even thinking about the consequences. Read the rest of this entry »

Shame on Richard Samuelson

January 21, 2008

A tricky opportunist whore Richard Samuelson may look very scary to Indonesian Military, but to Papuan People he is just a puppet master of great men like Sem Karoba and Benny Wenda. Samuelson is nothing and priceless in the eyes of West Papuan People. However, by influencing papuan natives, he might become a threat to the peaceful democracy of Papuan region. Because he maintains conflict among Papuan People for his personal interest.

By supporting and doing black propaganda operation regarding Papua’s Issue, Richard keep telling lies to the world and without hesitate spreading conflict among papuans.

Please inform us about any dirty attempt by Richard, so we all West Papuan can avoid his trap in creating hostile situation in the peaceful land of Papua.