The success of the United Nations in Papua — Free West Papua

April 18, 2020

Bernard J. Firestone: The success of the United Nations in Papua was extraordinary because, under the provisions of the New York Agreement and the subsequent General Assembly resolution, UNTEA was the first case of the Organization’s direct administration of a territory. Another notable feature of that exercise was that its funding was provided by the […]

via The success of the United Nations in Papua — Free West Papua

From remote villages to bustling cities: educating Indonesians about HIV

November 30, 2008

UNICEF Indonesia’s HIV/AIDS outreach team receives a warm welcome from the Arfak people of Papua, Indonesia.

UNICEF Indonesia’s HIV/AIDS outreach team receives a warm welcome from the Arfak people of Papua, Indonesia.

copyright: UNICEF

Link source : UNICEF

By Suzanna Dayne

WEST PAPUA, Indonesia, 28 November 2008 – It is before dawn as a UNICEF outreach team departs on a bumpy six-hour drive up a steep mountain road to the remote village of Imbenti. The goal is to bring life saving information about HIV/AIDS to the approximately 100 families who are living in the Arfak moutains of West Papua.

In the past, the risk of contracting HIV/AIDS in such a small, rural community was not seen as very high. However, many young people are now leaving the village to further their schooling. As such, there is a fear that if these young people are not educated about HIV/AIDS, they could return to their village and spread the virus. Read the rest of this entry »

On US Congress Letter to UN

March 4, 2008

Why did two senior members of  of the Committee of Foreign Affairs on West Papua
Congress of the United States sent a concern letter regarding condition  in West Papua to the United Nations?

Donald M. Payne and Eni F.H. Faleomavaega signed a letter that can be interpreted in at least three ways. Read the rest of this entry »