Rectifying the past injustice

August 25, 2009

After several years blogging about Papua, I realise that most of the readers of my blog are human rights activists, academics, government researchers, separatist activists, Indonesian military and intelligence officials,  UK Police officials, Australian officials, well educated Papuans, mining business players, environmentalists, etc. I am only guessing by interpreting thousands comments that came to me. A very usual watchers of Papua.

I want to share my personal feeling while writing  articles in my blog. My first impression is there are so many hatred and threat to me, not only from Papuan separatist groups but also from Indonesia (possibly military). I have a thesis: perpetual conflict will only exist as long as there is no communication, and I can say that there is no real communication between Indonesian government and Papua separatist movement for more than 40 years. Read the rest of this entry »

Day of the Broken Promise

August 15, 2009

Benny Wenda, West Papuan criminal who killed a policeman several years ago, self claimed leader of West Papuan, and a small number of West Papuans living in Netherland demonstrated opposite the Netherlands Embassy in London, to mark their protest against the New York Agreement, 15 August 1962. Read the rest of this entry »