Papua Issue in Indonesia-UK relation

February 11, 2008

During the years of Indonesia’s undemocratic New Order regime, successive UK Governments from Harold Macmillan then Alec Douglas to John Major then Tony Blair, have supported Generals Suharto who rule Papua from Jakarta. If we ask why did UK Governments gave a strong support to the New Order regime, there were so many explanation and we can start from the Cold War impact to business linkages. If the undemocratic government of New Order got a lot of international support, then we can assume that the support for the new democracy Indonesia will be even stronger and stronger. Now, Gordon Brown administration give a  clear sign of support to Indonesia in managing a democratization and economic development in Papua thorough the current UK Foreign Office Minister with responsibility for the UK’s relations with Indonesia, Meg Munn MP. 

Indonesia which has it first directly elected President in 2004, is a big baby in democratic world, so Indonesia needs an honest support in consolidating democracy power within all community including among Papuan. The special autonomy government is the implementation of the concept of tribal democracy, because Papua will develop its democracy not only adopting Western/modern style, but also by strengthening traditional culture such as the formation of traditional assembly. We all simply can be sure that Papua is on the right track. Back to Indonesia-UK relation, Read the rest of this entry »

Papua Issue in Indonesia-Australia relation

February 11, 2008

Papua issue in Indonesia-Australia relation is a kind of illumination project of political opportunist and separatist leaders who can not see the bright future of Papua under its tribal democracy. Our democratization process is slow but we have faith in the development of our community. We will modernize our society not by letting our traditional culture fade away, but by integrating all aspect of our culture into a peacefull process of development. Yes, we need help and assistance in doing the process. Indonesian federal government is still facing political struggle in Jakarta regarding the right concept for Papua. There are some ideas that invite a pro-con among elites and also grass roots, for example the proposal to split Papua. Indonesian federal government should settle all aspect of conflictual ideas and interests among political elites, so grass root in Papuan can feel that all those ideas are for the benefit of Papuan, not for political interest or parties. We count on our representatives in the People National Representatives Council to support the right development concept for Papua. Back to the issue of Indonesia-Australia relation, Read the rest of this entry »

New Indonesian and Aussie security pact

February 7, 2008

A very important pact between Indonesia and Australia hopefully will create a mutual understanding on all issues that will affect the harmony and peaceful relation. Two democratic countries ideally have more common needs than different interest. A trully friendship relation.

Here is the good news from February 7, 2008 – 10:53AM Read the rest of this entry »